Fundamental iOS Design Patterns

Learn about fundamental iOS design patterns like MVC, Delegation, Strategy, Singleton, Memento, Observer and Builder! These patterns are frequently used throughout iOS development, and every iOS developer should understand them well. By Joshua Greene.

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Learning path

This is part of the iOS Design Patterns learning path. View path.

Who is this for?

This course is for beginner iOS developers who have a working understanding of iOS development.

Covered concepts

  • What design patterns are
  • How to read & write class diagrams
  • How and when to use each pattern
  • What to be careful about when using each pattern
  • MVC pattern
  • Delegation pattern
  • Strategy pattern
  • Singleton pattern
  • Memento pattern
  • Observer pattern
  • Builder pattern

Part 1: Hello, Design Patterns!

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Welcome to the Fundamental iOS Design Patterns course! Find out what the course will cover and get an overview of design patterns.

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Learn what design patterns are, why they're used and how to use them.

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Learn what a class diagram is, what's in it and how to read it.

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Challenge time! Test your knowledge and get some practice with creating class diagrams.

Conclusion 1:53
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You've got an overview of what design patterns are and why they're used. In the next part, learn about and apply specific design patterns.

Part 2: MVC, Delegation, Strategy, and Singleton

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In this part, learn about the model-view-controller, delegation, strategy and singleton design patterns.

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Discover the MVC pattern, when to use it and how to use it. Let's dive in!

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Use the MVC pattern to create a language-learning app called "Rabble Wabble."

Delegation 8:00
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Learn what the delegation pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

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Use the delegation pattern in Rabble Wabble to allow the user to select a question group.

Strategy 8:27
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Learn what the strategy pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

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Use the strategy pattern in Rabble Wabble to display questions in either a random or sequential order.

Singleton 7:19
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Learn what the singleton pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

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Use the singleton pattern in Rabble Wabble to let the user set how questions should be displayed.

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Practice identifying the patterns you've learned so far, and when to use each.

Conclusion 0:45
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Review the patterns you've mastered so far, and find out what patterns are up next.

Part 3: Memento, Observer, and Builder

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In this part, add to your repertoire of design patterns by learning about the memento, observer and builder patterns.

Memento 11:23
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Learn what the memento pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

Use Memento 18:11
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Use the memento pattern in Rabble Wabble to save scores for each question group.

Observer 5:58
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Learn what the observer pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

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Use the observer pattern in Rabble Wabble to display scores for each question group.

Builder 11:41
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Learn what the builder pattern is, when to use it and how to use it.

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Use the builder pattern in Rabble Wabble to create new question groups. This is episode 1 of 2 on using the builder pattern.

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Finish using the builder pattern in Rabble Wabble to create new question groups.

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Practice identifying the patterns you've learned in the course, and when to use each.

Conclusion 0:47
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Congrats on finishing the course! Review what you've learned and find out where to go next.

Up next

iOS & Swift
Intermediate iOS Design Patterns
Level-up your knowledge of design patterns with this course! Covers the MVVM, Factory, Adapter, Iterator, ... more



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