Android TV: Getting Started

Learn how to create your first Android TV app! In this tutorial, you’ll create an Android TV app for viewing RayWenderlich Youtube channel videos! By Ivan Kušt.

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Android TV differs a bit from Android phones. The main differences are showing the user interface (UI) on a large screen and needing to use a remote to navigate through options. In this tutorial, you’ll create an Android TV app for viewing YouTube channel videos!

In the process, you’ll learn:

  • What you have to do for your app to qualify as a TV app
  • What Android Leanback library is
  • How to create video catalog, details and playback screens
  • How to test your new app on Android TV emulator

Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!

Note: This tutorial assumes you know the basics of Android development with Kotlin. If you’re new to Kotlin, check out our Kotlin introduction tutorial. If you’re completely new to Android development, read through our Beginning Android Development tutorials to familiarize yourself with the basics.

Getting Started

Android TV contains the Android system. If you know how to build layouts for Android Phones or Tablets, you’ll find building TV layouts pretty easy. TV apps have the same code structure as those for phones and tablets.

There are some caveats and requirements, though. Your app has to fill some criteria to be available from Play Store on Android TV. For example, you have to declare a TV Activity — more on that later.

To get started, download the Netderlix project using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial.

Open the project in Android Studio 4.1 or later by selecting Open an Existing Project on the Android Studio welcome screen or by selecting File ▸ Open if you have another project open already.

Wait for the project to sync. Then, build and run the project on a phone or existing phone emulator. For now, it’s fine to run the app this way because you’ll set up a TV emulator shortly.

Netderlix start screen on phone emulator, containing the words 'Hello! Replace me'

You see the main (video catalog) screen that you’ll fill with videos from YouTube channel.

Note: To build apps for TV, you need to have SDK tools version 24 or higher. Find instructions on how to update SDK tools in the official documentation.

Netderlix Code Structure

First, get familiar with the code. The following graph shows all the screens in the Netderlix app:

Netderlix app screens diagrams

There are three screens:

  • Catalog screen for picking a video implemented in CatalogFragment.
  • Video Details screen shown after the user picks a video implemented in VideoDetailsFragment. It also shows recommended videos the user can navigate to.
  • Video Playback screen implemented in VideoPlaybackFragment. It has standard playback controls for Play / Pause, Fast Forward / Rewind and Skip to the beginning and end of the video.

Code in the project is organized in the following way:

  • catalog package contains the code for the Catalog screen.
  • details package contains the code for the Details screen.
  • playback package contains the code for the Playback screen.
  • error package contains ErrorFragment for showing errors.
  • model package contains data classes that hold video and playlist data.
  • repository package contains PlaylistsRepository for fetching playlists and videos.
  • Util class in the root package contains utility methods.

Now, you’ll set up an Android TV emulator so you can test your new app. Feel free to skip the next section if you already have a TV emulator (or real Android TV) set up.

Setting up Android TV Emulator

The simplest way to test your Android TV app is to use an Android TV emulator provided by Android SDK. To set SDK up, select Tools ▸ SDK Manager in Android Studio.

SDK manager window showing updates and their installation status

Check Show Package Details to show detailed options for each Android version. Under Android 10.0 (Q), make sure you check Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image.

SDK manager TV emulator selected

Tap OK, confirm changes on the dialog and wait for the download to complete if needed.

Now, you have to create an Android TV emulator to test on. Open Tools ▸ AVD Manager in Android Studio and click Create Virtual Device.

AVD Manager '+ Create Virtual Device' button

If you already have some emulators set, you see a bit different AVD manager screen.

AVD manager showing some emulators already set up

In the wizard, select TV under Category.

AVD manager showing list of device categories

Select Android TV (720p) and click Next. It emulates smaller TV screens so it uses less computer memory when running.

AVD manager 'Choose a device definition screen' with 'Android TV (720p)' option highlighted

On the next screen, select Android 10.0 and click Next.

AVD manager System Image menu with Android version Q selected

Finally, click Finish and wait a few seconds for the new device to set up.

AVD manager 'Verify Configuration' screen

Build and run on the new TV emulator.

Catalog screen showing 'Hello! Replace me' on black background

The Leanback Library

There are two key things to note when building user interfaces for TV devices:

  • You navigate the TV user interface by using a remote. This means your app must support D-pad input.
  • A TV screen is large and usually viewed from farther away.

Leanback library makes building UIs with these two things in mind easy.

Note: Leanback library includes a special theme — Theme.Leanback. It’s recommended to use it with Leanback classes. The theme doesn’t include an action bar because it’s not supported in TV apps. If you try to use AppCompatActivity, which sets up action bar, you get an error. For more information, check the official documentation.

To get a sense of how the Leanback library works, look at a diagram that shows the most important classes:

Leanback classes diagram

LeanbackFragment represents any of the Support fragments provided in the library. You’ll use three of them:

  • BrowseSupportFragment for implementing a screen with catalog browser
  • DetailsSupportFragment for implementing a screen with details
  • PlaybackSupportFragment for implementing a screen with video player

You can think of each of the fragments as a RecyclerView. It renders rows provided by an adapter. The adapter is a subclass of ObjectAdapter, which relies on a subclass of Presenter. It converts adapter items into View instances displayed in Fragment.

ObjectAdapter items can be any type if you provide Presenter implementation that knows how to convert that type to View.

There are two existing types of presenters:

  • RowPresenter renders Row objects into Views.
  • ListRowPresenter renders a special type of Row objects that contain a header and a sublist.

Meeting Android TV App Criteria

Now that you’ve learned about the Leanback library, it’s time to meet the requirements and make a bona fide Android TV app.

Open AndroidManifest.xml and replace category in intent-filter with the following:

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" />

To declare a TV launcher activity, you use android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent filter the same way you use android.intent.category.LAUNCHER.

Build and run.

Catalog screen showing 'Hello! Replace me' on black background

There’s no difference because the TV emulator lets you run the app without LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent filter. On a real TV device, the app won’t appear without LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent filter and Play Store won’t make your app available for TV devices.

The second requirement is to declare that the app uses the Leanback user interface required by Android TV.

Add the following tag right after opening manifest tag in AndroidManifest.xml:

  android:required="true" />

Here, you set the Leanback user interface.

Below the previous code, add:

      android:required="false" />

This declares that the app doesn’t require a touchscreen.

Note: If you don’t declare that the app uses Leanback and doesn’t require a touchscreen, Play Store won’t make it available for Android TV devices.

The last requirement is to add launcher banner. The drawable for launcher banner is already included in the project under res/drawable/banner.xml. To set it up, add a new property to application:


Build and run. Close the running app, open an app list and notice the new Netderlix app banner.

App banner in TV menu