Deploying Android Apps Using GitHub Actions

May 4 2023 · Kotlin 1.7.21, Android 13, Android Studio Electric Eel

Part 1: Automate Releases with GitHub Actions

07. Deploy to Firebase App Distribution

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Now that you’ve set up Firebase and stored the secrets, you have to add the job to upload the app to Firebase App Distribution.

Upload Build to Firebase App Distribution

Add the following job to the workflow:

    needs: [ build ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: release.apk
      - name: unzip downloaded APK
        run: unzip app-release-unsigned-signed.apk
      - name: upload artifact to Firebase App Distribution
        uses: wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-Github-Action@v1
          appId: ${{secrets.FIREBASE_APP_ID}}
          serviceCredentialsFileContent: ${{secrets.SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}
          groups: QA
          file: app-release-unsigned-signed.apk
git commit -m "Add Firebase deploy job"
git push origin master
git tag v0.2 -a -m "Release v0.2"
git push origin master --follow-tags

Visualize The Workflow

On the Actions tab in the repository and click on the latest Test and deploy workflow execution.