Vision Tutorial for iOS: Detect Body and Hand Pose

Learn how to detect the number of fingers shown to the camera with help from the Vision framework. By Saeed Taheri.

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Displaying Fingertips

pointsProcessorHandler is going to get your detected fingerprints on the screen. You have to pass the closure from SwiftUI to this view controller.

Go back to CameraView.swift and add a new property:

var pointsProcessorHandler: (([CGPoint]) -> Void)?

This gives you a place to store the closure in the view.

Then update makeUIViewController(context:) by adding this line before the return statement:

cvc.pointsProcessorHandler = pointsProcessorHandler

This passes the closure to the view controller.

Open ContentView.swift and add the following property to the view definition:

@State private var overlayPoints: [CGPoint] = []

This state variable will hold the points grabbed in CameraView. Replace the CameraView() line with the following:

CameraView {
  overlayPoints = $0

This closure is the pointsProcessorHandler you added earlier and is called when you have the detected points. In the closure, you assign the points to overlayPoints.

Finally, add this modifier before the edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) modifier:

  FingersOverlay(with: overlayPoints)

You’re adding an overlay modifier to CameraView. Inside that modifier, you initialize FingersOverlay with the detected points and set the color to orange.
FingersOverlay.swift is inside the starter project. Its only job is to draw points on screen.

Build and run. Check out the orange dots on your fingers. Move your hands around and notice the dots follow your fingers.

Fingers overlay gif

Note: Feel free to change the color in the .overlay modifier if you need.

It’s finally time to add game logic.

Adding Game Logic

While the logic of the game is long, it’s pretty straightforward.

Open GameLogicController.swift and replace the class implementation with:

// 1
private var goalCount = 0

// 2
@Published var makeItRain = false

// 3
@Published private(set) var successBadge: Int?

// 4
private var shouldEvaluateResult = true

// 5
func start() {
  makeItRain = true

// 6
func didRainStars(count: Int) {
  goalCount = count

// 7
func checkStarsCount(_ count: Int) {
  if !shouldEvaluateResult {
  if count == goalCount {
    shouldEvaluateResult = false
    successBadge = count

    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
      self.successBadge = nil
      self.makeItRain = true
      self.shouldEvaluateResult = true

Here’s a breakdown:

  1. This property stores the number of dropped stars. The player has to guess this value by showing the appropriate number of fingers.
  2. Whenever something sets this published property to true, StarAnimator starts raining.
  3. If the player correctly guesses the number of dropped stars, you assign the goal count to this. The value appears on screen indicating success.
  4. This property prevents an excessive amount of evaluation. If the player guesses the value correctly, this property makes the evaluation stop.
  5. This is how the game starts. You call this when the starting screen appears.
  6. When StarAnimator rains a specific amount of stars, it calls this method to save the goal count in the game’s engine.
  7. This is where the magic happens. You call this method whenever new points are available. It first checks if evaluating the result is possible. If the guessed value is correct, it stops the evaluation, sets the success badge value and resets the engine’s state to initial values after three seconds.

Open ContentView.swift to connect the GameLogicController.

Replace the call to StarAnimator, including its trailing closure, with:

StarAnimator(makeItRain: $gameLogicController.makeItRain) {
  gameLogicController.didRainStars(count: $0)

This code reports the number of rained stars to the game engine.

Next, you’ll let the player know they’ve got the answer right.

Adding a Success Badge

Add a computed property for successBadge as follows:

private var successBadge: some View {
  if let number = gameLogicController.successBadge {
    Image(systemName: "\(number).circle.fill")
      .frame(width: 200, height: 200)
      .shadow(radius: 5)
  } else {

If the successBadge of the game logic controller has a value, you create an image using a system image available in SFSymbols. Otherwise, you return an EmptyView which means drawing nothing.

Add these two modifiers to the root ZStack:

.onAppear {
  // 1
  // 2

Here’s what you added:

  1. When the starting page of the game appears, you start the game.
  2. You draw the success badge on top of everything. The successBadge implementation comes next.

Next, remove the overlay for Rain since it now rains automatically.

Final Step

To make the game work, you need to pass the number of detected points to the game engine. Update the closure that you pass when initializing CameraView in ContentView:

CameraView {
  overlayPoints = $0

Build and run. Enjoy the game.

Final game play

More Use Cases

You barely scratched the surface of Hand and Body Detection APIs in Vision. The framework can detect several body landmarks, as illustrated below:

Body landmarks illustration

Here are some examples of what you can do with these APIs:

  • Install UI controls in your app using Vision framework. For example, some camera apps include features that let you show a hand gesture to take a picture.
  • Build a fun emoji app where the user could show the emoji with hands.
  • Build a workout analysis app where the user could find out if he or she is doing a specific action right.
  • Build a music app to teach the user to play guitar or ukulele.

Hand detection in Ukelele

Body detection in Workout

The possibilities are endless with Vision.

Where to Go From Here?

Download the final project using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial.

You’ve successfully created a game with Hand Detection APIs! Great job!

There are many great resources for Vision and these specific APIs. To explore this topic in more depth, try:

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