Beginning iOS 10 Part 2 Checklists

Continue learning where Beginning iOS 10 Part 1 left off. In this series, you'll learn some of the fundamental aspects of iOS by building in a Todo app and in this process, you'll learn about table views, design patterns, and saving data. By Brian Moakley.

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This introduction will cover course objectives for Beginning iOS 10 Part 2 as well as introduce you to the app you will create.

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In this video, you'll learn the basics of table views and how to incorporate them into your app.

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This video will cover the process of adding data sources and delegates to your table views.

MVC 8:56
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This video introduces you to the MVC design pattern and how to refactor your app to use MVC.

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This video introduces you to the process of adding and removing items from your table view.

Show Segues 11:30
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This video covers the basics of setting up show segue between two view controllers and a navigation controller.

Text Fields 10:59
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This video covers how to use text fields and what it means to be a part of the responder chain.

Passing Data 16:56
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In this video, you'll learn how to pass data between view controllers by means of a segue.

Saving Data 11:50
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This video will cover the process of saving your app's data to disk using the NSCoding protocol.

Conclusion 5:08
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This video reviews everything that was covered and gives you suggestions on where you can continue to develop iOS content.