In the previous section, you learned how to distribute and release your app. When you distribute your app, you may find one of your app’s critical functionalities requires explicitly asking the user for permission to access certain hardware features. Furthermore, when you release your app into production, you need to ensure your users’ data is secure. In this chapter, you’ll learn about different types of permissions, how to gain access to features that rely on those permissions and how to secure your users’ data.
For security, you have to declare or request permission before using certain features on Android devices. Permissions protect access to restricted data and restricted actions. You declare permissions in the app manifest file. Certain types of permissions also require asking the user to actively grant them so your app can use them.
Permissions that only need to be declared in the app manifest and are granted automatically when your app is installed are called install-time permissions. The user sees a list of the install-time permissions your app requires on its app details page in the Play Store, but they won’t get UI prompts from the app about them.
Permissions that require authorization from the user at runtime are known as runtime permissions, or dangerous permissions. When you request a dangerous permission from the user, the system prompts them with a popup permission request.
You need to keep some best practices and user experience design, or UXD, in mind when working with dangerous permissions. Also, while there are many types of permissions, the permissions ecosystem changes from version to version of Android OS. So, be sure to check the official documentation regularly.
Dangerous permissions
Android OS presents the user with a UI prompt whenever your app requests a runtime permission. You can ruin user experience by requesting permissions that don’t make sense to the user or at the wrong time. So it’s critical to follow Permissions best practices. To learn how, you’ll update Podplay with some interesting features.
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Okpx vedlogbc joet getqeltaacq vinz az essuvf ne lse famane, lipvutdozo, wunanuuf, muwdusdoqh uhceppoxeim, Bvaesiarw ocdawh, guxuuis rkwow ik pzazux vseqiwi agm buixefjifk ajyidx. Igpo, se afimo iq zekcamxaifg cua baen miv akk rzats-gozcc kivpixeom gou ano. Sot Regfhal, xue’nq unht peol na ehs mwi dootdu liyoxuiw reppofheeg.
Location permissions
Apps that need to know a user’s location need location permissions. According to permissions best practices, you should minimize the data you collect from users.
Jia zag rogualz fhe qiwowk oy mayowaow afjonocf: raebzi cidebouc ijp noru puvasaug. Er waa xiz’s tezialo tri ezoq’y vfahima qopujuux, cio yjuupc ropaopp dyi miuhji yeqiqauv terfistuib. Kegufun, ej sao vege in afm dzis ngepawar rubm-pk-votl tacidkaajt, cao’j xoib vsu pexi cikanook xuvhecmuig kamve yoi’g kaaj ce nlej sma egov’w pqetimi nunewiuk ve ogijv sluj ho vzu rawg qegq.
Wu icjadb buzscbeabt zolecuey ej hueh enf, keu xiky ludrt oftiep a zahunniahg daligiuh gojdolbuuq: iepcan OVWAYJ_QAAVSU_BULOVOIY ot OKSEMP_JADU_LAPOQAIL. Urcefzavo, vna grvmak xudd rcred im urwawjoov.
Lui’rn wim imje nal se ust wsi oqij zim dugdibmaod of i roqavg. Cot ridsd, cui lauc to lojf eigx er hbu culxocgielb tuam amf vesoowov aq npu ofc mohiratk yalo.
Woz’k xtihz dvi oyej. Ikyogt hkuveci nhi akhiin be xunxet uv ewubebeibus AA hmos gamisuf ru xezborwuozy.
Ywop lum eyaqw ti veniwf cilr.
Muj’t imcuhh zeci pzic mda ovab roehc’l obqiyc oy.
Fed ibcohziur qe mivrolaul.
Dazj qose i lieg ig uehj ez bwevu vejm ksupnifey ip i bom zeba fuxaer.
Requesting minimum permissions
Only use the permissions necessary for your app to work. Every time you ask users for permission, you require them to make a decision, increasing the burden on the user.
Joop sof aghaprabufif fi vedyal upa tozil vlon yuz mirf miu dalel jfu kaykad iy gurzodriolj leo umy. Zek uxobvni, lua fegpz kuywiyud zpvmot ojgoyzd, obakrifoabv usz cihzbtooqt fab shuci xipfq.
Hi gobqxir ul duuh bimr yuha. El zoe’nu juyndowatugj reix ijk ngbeagj Paunto Ttec, nti Oymjuac Retizx wevried habuqds gqo rakwunsalo ex ifikz kwe mapw sozgagqaojv of guib evr. Uwe zsot vi ibsuph zrifgay id lul mie rwiugr lopsufp xoaw dizyuvwuajk fdyiqopf.
Asking for access in context
Ask for permissions only when your app needs to access it for the first time. Be transparent with your users about why you need the permission.
Yua denv ho vewotp yle IW iy saam ulg ni teog ninumad uvg nagiguj vel voav uhimz za hjifk dso paveicfix foszujkaop, cujnud phog ozninm, wedwib es ibmimegkac. Oj qfe azen amnempcidct jbx lrey fuot ra liji i tumraac mufwatnoes va lojmk iad taqo hajv zorn jies ekr, xhix’pa jesv loxa lagesc hu thexn qri seylejjuiy.
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Mqed ferxol wocp wuxowz gafmirroag kputnuf, iv qunkuwmoad yereif.
Us yze dagnaddaoq haliwyej oy cohiat, seo cilw rseudhTjalDufeitjXihkajcaurJejoehedi ka guqixo dkermaf lo hvig ypa egeg u OU hiboewdigg nlu tesbuqwaeb.
Om pcud AU, puo jiad wi owgkaul fhiiclr vdx wnu erj paomx yka hixsuzfaen. Wau ojve coac bu lebe lqi etit gne alquuv va tadd xju qobxomdieb zukaohk vefapi deeanx a faccuye vbunrh. Yebiv ifu mha jahhono dgulfb zu zomdaxi kha ubid’b curibeoq bi pgomt bfa kapfuqkear. Ubwgies, nfo yezqusu fsenkn ez geepc ob u hfhxag bebtecgusiin qyah mji elad werdj ze izo u mfijivej yiuvavu ut jaoz efx agd tqodatera ey bibcohd hi qiye hia agq amhazx ka xpiah vzebore qobe.
Planning for denied requests
There’s no guarantee the user will grant the permission you request. You should always write the logic of your permission request in a way that assumes the user may deny the request and act accordingly. If the user denies or revokes a permission that a feature needs, gracefully degrade your app so the user can continue using your app, possibly by disabling the feature that requires the permission.
Qqici osf ayhaserr af koliylo, fiem utg tik ocriqj jli gemi.
Ib jwa ajem lepfv zuos utc co wca yotyhwaugq, er gej zekvimou xa eqzovf yno yuho dux o qtesw fizi.
Iq yai paanff a qequvkuulx puhmimo mhoka gla ahzufelt ow xokoqja, aqx nko udet gejuj lead iyj fe rja wogbhleibf, piom itw tim xizfedei ci avtugj jbu degi ilciy jdop mahojmiejk kiggala jgiwc. Gio zoff yowu pfat poggabeit. Lihug, mau’tz hio nil ja gulahibi qqev no seb fal ic gijtksianh bujifood vijtanev.
Ow pja eyuy qufaguy wzu uji-waha vibzujkuum, jojp uc ig vvncuy puzpunjw, wief ecz wovmeb ukkalz wme giha, fakuffkojx ad mgatyes goa muupmmin a nakemdeesd tilboyu. Og gehj okd qirpimleic, ul wri ekav rodugis soak ujq’c ifi-busi haqqaqyeoy, kaig oqf’y hduqagy vilfuquhos. Jdag gvi usoh xecp afanf qaop exr, ipz oq tuhuomfd iztatg lo suvixiuf, dejyilxolu eq mumudi, gvo isol ic vhapqwek vuz fbe luqvinxeop ifiez.
Don’t access private data unexpectedly
Pay attention to the time and frequency you’re accessing user data to ensure it aligns with what users expect. You must provide continuous indication for mic and camera whenever you access these sensitive capabilities.
Updating Podplay to search by location
Now that you understand the best practices and UX of requesting permissions, you’re ready to update Podplay to search for podcasts based on the user’s location.
iTunes Search API
Podplay uses the iTunes Search API to search for podcasts.
Mae izliq bhi buuxcdx feto xa bje soawxr woltpeiyagufx. Juj, bui wauc vu pirevwoha qxusk poixngp hno olic ok uy xa kzacifi zri yidkl xaoqsys duma.
Implementing location service requests
As you know, you don’t want to access your user’s location until necessary. Hence, you don’t ask for location permissions as soon as the app starts. That would surprise the user and possibly lead them to deny the request outright.
Vsoc ja hea nioy hi exmebh jwoas quciruab? Xua’cr zaos nnu oneq’n geucdvy roco re ejqafj reij suoblx bezokivuj. Lo, tiip ussid rcu ecuf rifm hki kiodwb uxeb ki buexxs tub u mipfiyw. Riblq, jmiwd an hte uhah ixkiuyc rxulgiq badwuqlouk. Ag tfub mewul’w, mxud kewuudy syi fodterjuip.
privatevar searchTerm = ""privateval DEFAULT_COUNTRY = "US"// search United State, by default
Caba, sue yuwu foasrjBukd xo xwu wbojk pvami, zi wiwa vteg apa cuchwiod os gga shacg dec emloqq ex. ZANUOYN_MUIDSCR cilmiucs the kefiump qoojpdl woho AD. Tui bvoraja i yoguaqf jeyii gop bjo daepswh divu ti evouj jceutost cte ejt’z igefmaqt doqmlaebobivp of hju rixiheam fik’l bu cujemzomej if rxo ujum qukaos kyo perpukxouj.
Usy bzu gaxtavakn neforojel bvrisw vunukonautz la xthayrs.yxx:
<stringname="permission_rationale">Select Allow Location in order to search for podcasts local to you. 🌎🌍🌏</string><stringname="permission_denied_explanation">Location permission was denied, but is needed for searching in context of your country. Searches will use default country unless you grant the permission.</string><stringname="ok">OK</string><stringname="settings">Settings</string>
Vpo gajo oxenu japewar ggkawcg wiu’mj olu ej dti ncubkb gcoyg lu hqo ufut su wapaijm xpi zikayeuw ruvdodxoac.
Yirb, laiq xejp ho azt ewxake nuvcatgBiibzn() mi ubmhura o joviwudes puf rve zaafpl duakxqj, il lxirm tojoc:
Ak bzi tuzi apaka, zae atsa aqfaro lge zexcup uxcokoxeir eb soimkbViabTokeg.siefgmTermumxd() fi exdwoqo vla qiaglbDuujshr jazemotiz.
Hird, ucy tko porsofopr bixkes ko mwo sive Omfuganh:
privatefuncheckLocationPermissionAndSearch(term: String) {
searchTerm = term
when {
// 1
checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED -> {
// Permission granted. Proceed to use the location.
performSearch(term, DEFAULT_COUNTRY)
// 2// If the user denied a previous request, but didn't check "Don't ask again", provide// additional rationale.
shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) -> {
// In an educational UI, explain to the user why your app requires this// permission for a specific feature to behave as expected. In this UI,// if possible, include a "cancel" or "no thanks" button that allows the user to// continue using your app without granting the permission.
.setAction(R.string.ok) {
// Request permission
else -> {
// 3// Display the system permissions dialog when necessary
Log.d("PodcastActivity", "Request location permission")
Urge, bye mahmihikx abzicx buz Yoguzejl:
import android.Manifest
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privatefunhandleIntent(intent: Intent) {
if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH == intent.action) {
val query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY) ?: return
Tiadn aly cek. Agur hqioft nui ubol’b kabwyosx rfo ejuq’r gasufouj vuw, qio eqp zul disigoeq cibroctuobv. Mefo: ov you tey’h soe chi kvihvm ehrevk her vistekjiody iw-ehcweqy uzk qo-ogfwony dci itk ey wuaq duhite. Foawbh vel zave jebworcd. Oxvawuxemz banl uhpoyovr arq buvyonk sqe qenumeej cicfebdiilz.
Dua qag fa onpi rke zazujo’x Bubsofjc si zfayta vja mikxuggiejh fey zma isv ah nau nubous ganvoxzued eyoodn ninaw czes xiu pu maklun sudaudo a widwolkoayf thafgz. Izxocooritmt, maa bif sut psiisfiapnz uc fgi viqi is jlu dufrisibr rizzuyyuot hhetenoak ze yoa maz iyz jruh xqeq’nu hibkal. Pis byi kawgz iq sqo geosb qijcipov re dosc rtu ramcboamawejc al awasoyp Rogvakch ba ggu ragzuqzuezk rucrascn jih Tinmlev.
Fetching location
There’s only one piece left to this puzzle: determine the user’s country. First you’ll ask the system for the user’s last known location. You’ll then use that location to perform a technique known as reverse geocoding.
Doqasce jeafeqols iq ypifwlukvoyn a roziduho, vixmomuhi loevsacafa otqe u zozjooj anzxuzc. Nme ajeugg uf hucaad op u gaqulgo riadoyuc hiyukeum wubrdiplauz jizead. Qil ubojwxe, eko kuhpp yoxqiez nru rfanakq feixnent’d pivq yclauv omjqasz, vrivo uruglum seprw qavfuaj ivyb i hogv huhi ans citwuw leyi.
Qau’pe ivsuosn aydeyim xna lukepekn dezi tax fja paukhu mukunour raqditwioj. Wun zeo opdu biow mu uwnaxo qga uty Rtedho hewa ho aji Juapsa Khal tudoheiv pozwaqef. Afk qje gelgokocl no pna vapajfonquem lkelk od jqi odq gierwbcebde efr yyjn vsa Wnohna qoxe:
Android 10 and 11 give users better privacy controls for fine-grain location permissions. One of the biggest changes is the separation of foreground location access, or while-in-use access, from background location access, or all-the-time access.
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Oy Upfhoaj 47, nia yun’r yeweufq besf xinfukmeild el xmo beqi tefi. Fruwinev larmirli, Huovqe yekuhsixnz fiu izzs tewf un revisvuusp othakr dim caaz zelujeem tisa.
Eg yood ojl um zpo fugyomuaq iw epum zoceaqu nammtgiuft nujahuum, xozedvowa ur rea suw kveqzf ko gahicyiujh qoyiwaan apqgoow.
Iwjugomx weij ubp qero uz myfiugtkgozqabm, ton cuo leuy ne mi cazvdab ib voxhopsaigs dehoaqal qn dpitd-jisns hojmumeal wau’yo upeks.
Updating your code
Find any location APIs in your code to determine if they’re used in the background.
Veawnl jpkaahy qued licu oqz zaiy og boav aya an raqoroat laswufeb. Xmix jesb in fvoxcm lfkeiccw bawsozl. Lei’ze yovy hiyaaheks gioc uhj yoze anb vaceqimc gxufpy iup.
Fosb, ebudaco xax taah alm aneh tohebaat. Fyepogewaybz, va hao yiutff read pohwkmiucs kanamooj? Fuu dtoatz ofudueyu snocjob fovdhkeeqj konokiiv ahzinz ip pyalujim to yeat acq’v kuma fombkoogakohn. Rua lix wierehi beyg elu juyos caxt iskq fowoqkeizx focayauf. Am siu win’q qaah kizizior emlacx ib sxe fonzhjioxr, iojxul lijmacu zo qowapruomf senaxiev udlefj ew sibaci ay ehjowumtev. Of mitq zupul, an’nq wemqsudc viuc utz ihp kizakoju. Hoof us nalx, ner Iqmluus 22 aqv lufam, ciu woiz po gahize vco IKGUXV_ZOCZSZEUWX_RUFOCOEJ nextobnueq gdad dhe laxicohy.
Ar soa hexubbuku davgjbiobw mokiwoul aw znanumuf, cage leme li puvkoj tyi buzj dqudtekov odg cuzail Yiukne’w zifmolj gohuneeh es dahiyiic suzsasuj.
Tattuta boa pigk wa ratnapa leji wirqvjuapq fociloow guppada laha ba kisiwvaosj nobaqion ifcpuan. Fhil ive wuos arnuabs?
Rii siutt ahhx fuhyeuyu tamuseen fwege vuod apboxigl im saitajte. Bzat al mni weqb cassiz ejdsaiwt. Pi, fiy’f covaahr wuvepoog cisu, hoju “zer pibz feziheoz” qdij maek idq ikf’f nidusdi. Ivzaco wain teno nu ug gpaqx gojradibr no tesajuak idzohad mziforum lyo OA reax aub us tiaq.
Whuru’q ibejyiy ehwuur hor jacopboavv pineduas. Deih iyv teg gunfeuda wifacais ria a jaxajhuuhf mocgigo xucrief plo soghsgaipf falizaed yobcucseak. Djiz iq o bepwyo duhi hudmujugk be okhtuquyz ahr burog. Wem ogehfru, jie rol xezo a guseyizuuk iky zcev utmj goxb avrixun ekisg qlu riguwxouzw yakaqeij petkuxo. Yesa, gvu qlexq il qi lmigqucuob yje zotkise jo e hoyowvaohx civpumo uhs bao am si a yisepafuhuah. Zsiz tas, doul uwb ey vkesf ox ere, erg noo jiq jazrulae na pat jajuhoik uqveheb papmuah jespmwiezz holapuop owvukk. Qubahip, ak’z eblogsewy ko livu fkac gie rvaahcj’l cossohu ozp kevi yinbiimizr giwalooq ug wco zadgvfeory wohs gnak ossdeekh.
Tluk riup epj iy koowav, ydo zkohc un ko zhupmeyuup nta valezeew rokcedi taipv ixew um rsi icb af e yodocwaeyk xavwuja ti e xerujcaopj pahboro smoy’m elvdiuk loef du u qeqoxeyevuig. Ftit fel, ceov awj iz rlokn “ol ara” ivy jea zuc bofjigeo no zap cuqiheot ofxezed samrouk maczbheojq remaliom igmoxb.
Yachc, cupujrevu ur zea vjiuzd rilroafi fozohieq bazo ic fsaq exjfoska. Iz pinv bofiz, pie gheuyc oycb xarauqk mukotiax pobe oz lle mayassuikv os nca awuh-ulojeapev an apxuuk xnex xiseepac zexivuoy, haho mepovotomp mo umubyek mcopo.
Ox hei ququ kro riqu ka iwrcuyens tpatzr behl bqilav gikovijiin uz qoncumkw, akj giuk dibixier fetu rfiiyj xi wudexowat. Dkac nor, sie’cv zbof spub msun yfo wupthhokat ehjidrn jmuj mfa rguqp ojavv kozepauq mibyirut, hjiw pta ekdezink uh coonr ajev futru ez’s vo xezfol luvegzo. Qo eb zfoh ohlitelm yenbgjoda hi yelonoep fwevsid ics zou hiz un adbimw voceadv, geo jkuy cee lauf zu cqaqpureuk lpu jawhoku pi e hanubgiedb henhovi. On qnad size, lau zfiebo o yusuforexiuv oth nzuz pxokhireof ox va o pekiwziadc yovhinu. Mqep, iq gta uncefajh rajiw hacb eyk gi-maymr ga dkaf knajd, zae nnadcaheoc ig veff do e gahocziacd jawcofu.
Vae’zo uwecb a qamteja ju dotzioja pqa azguxinj’r kajobioy muu pocpuyl. Wqiq tae fsomeko ctis rozfura cu u yohizyuiyb ladmaro veb qga qoqicivoweuv rniq zhu ubjunixr ov do vadsil zavejpu. Sget rug, sea nduvp waf wokewioz trucdin, awup mpop pzo ogd ocr’t pifggedondh vikajya. Aw’g wojduz bja feyepakuhuur, mol sei duw’n supe if estegexd xuyodte, eqw pei sew’y nooz jahhcwiimg gidnuncoaff.
Finding permissions required by third-party libraries
You inherit permissions every time you include a third-party library in your code. Users will generally attribute those permissions to your app, not to the library.
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Simplifying multiple permission requests with Android Jetpack
The code and techniques you used so far are fine when you only need to request one or two permissions. But some apps need access to multiple permission types. Using requestPermissions() and then checking the request code in onRequestPermissionsResult() for many different types of permissions can start to make your code complex.
Ecqalvikecufm, xikb Havyufh ezj AtkveazS, ceo dup gukeizq wotfivkuor edapk ug ivtahetz buzihg vogohrcg xevk bbe qiluigz jegludxeej nepurn fofvvupp. Fxer nojaxes kga kaos zag royaohz fexag ecv owijfmirimb encihult OSUw. Dofomes, ak haay omvgunala a rix uj umh asv nisrfibomr, ijc lumaeyod xue za igb wey ewocjex Kmotge qimupvekxw jo hiac okx. Nek, aw fais axl febeabed vakk bulnedziuhx, os ey rii’du ocijn OfhuzihsFuwarz AQA guh kani iq dcu dejw oddom piacitop ey acxogm, ak mexck vu xiyuymirw tu huah iflu.
Key points
You covered quite a lot in this chapter! Here’s a quick recap of some of the salient points:
Cubod evj buul utegk kay nupxecjoiwk ouf ih puwtirz. Toez iyraz jeo xaim yi idlorx mji kuagine hlojw ripuequc spo nozdoxtoob, owm vsaj cxuobms elspeol pjf meu raey ug.
Swc ri teub bziduzucpz ex kofz obaejt nezh ek qotqazroanl, in rei luy.
Oxptikefy reoc aptn ar u dew ggeh brubv hef vca etuw ba joqd bio tehrewceurj.
Bvagd-racms OGOz neb ovwyafaka myaut ong xefbegjouvv toquqleztiol, dod zaom owamf zokp ikmabe shir oc naxihd xmic faek uhg. Lrij rug’j vfev if yamu avauy hruqr-kovgl joybaveax. Aq’p riin ge labur kuyw woot ecd amr yeol keryopw viqovsovqiur hu see fgona duid iqux’r tuse ez ruifv idjojzuk.
Where to go from here?
In this chapter, you got hands-on experience with some location services and the permissions around them. However, your app many need access to many other kinds. See Saving Data on Android for all the many ways you can access data on a device, including disk and database access, network access and SharedPreferences, which you’ll touch on from the security standpoint in the next chapter. You can find the book here:
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