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Android Test-Driven Development by Tutorials

Second Edition · Android 11 · Kotlin 1.5 · Android Studio 4.2.1

Section II: Testing on a New Project

Section 2: 8 chapters
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Section III: TDD on Legacy Projects

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7. Introduction to Mockito
Written by Fernando Sproviero

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You’ll often find yourself in situations in which you want to write a test for a method of a class that requires collaboration from another class. Unit Tests normally focus on a single class, therefore you need a way to avoid using their actual collaborators. Otherwise, you’d be doing integration testing, which you’ll see in Chapter 8, “Integration.”

In this chapter, you’ll:

  • Learn what mocking and stubbing are and when to use these techniques.
  • Write more unit tests using the test-driven development (TDD) pattern to continue testing state, and a way to also verify behavior.

Why Mockito?

If you remember from a previous chapter, whenever you create a test, you must:

  • First, configure what you’re going to test.
  • Second, execute the method that you want to test.
  • Finally, verify the result by checking the state of the object under test. This is called state verification or black-box testing. This is what you’ve done using JUnit.

However, to perform state verification, sometimes the object under test has to collaborate with another one. Because you want to focus on the first object, in the configuration phase, you want to provide a test double collaborator to your object under test. This fake collaborator is just for testing purposes and you configure it to behave as you want. For example, you could make a mock so that calling a method on it always returns the same hardcoded String. This is called stubbing a method. You’ll use Mockito for this.

There’s another type of verification called behavior verification or white-box testing. Here you want to ensure that your object under test will call specific collaborator methods. For example, you may have a repository object that retrieves the data from the network, and before returning the results, it calls a collaborator object to save them into a database. Again, you can use Mockito to keep an eye on a collaborator and verify if specific methods were called on it.

Note: Using white-box testing allows you to be more precise in your tests, but often results in having make more changes to your tests when you change your production code.

Setting up Mockito

Open the application’s build.gradle file and add the following dependency:

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin:3.2.0'

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Creating unit tests with Mockito

Later, in the UI, you’ll show the user a question with two options. You’ll want the user to click on one. Your Game class will then handle that answer by delegating to the Question class. The score will be incremented if the answer was correct and the next question will be returned.

Mocking and verifying

Start by adding the following test to the GameUnitTests.kt file:

  fun whenAnswering_shouldDelegateToQuestion() {
    // 1
    val question = mock<Question>()
    val game = Game(listOf(question))

    // 2
    game.answer(question, "OPTION")

    // 3
    verify(question, times(1)).answer(eq("OPTION"))
  fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {
    // TODO

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Using mock-maker-inline extension

  • Go to the project window and change to the Project view.
  • Create a resources directory under app ‣ src ‣ test.
  • Inside resources, create a directory called mockito-extensions
  • Add a text file called org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker
  • Add the text mock-maker-inline

Fiqu of zzesid pwil ot bed oslecfigf ik awqazeyaun nu ljo irykes() pafdal og vca Roubqooy yzajy.

  fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {

Stubbing methods

The Game should increment the current score when answered correctly, so add the following test:

  fun whenAnsweringCorrectly_shouldIncrementCurrentScore() {
  	// 1
    val question = mock<Question>()

    val game = Game(listOf(question))

    // 2
    game.answer(question, "OPTION")

    // 3
    Assert.assertEquals(1, game.currentScore)

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fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {
fun whenAnsweringIncorrectly_shouldNotIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val question = mock<Question>()
  val game = Game(listOf(question))

  game.answer(question, "OPTION")

  Assert.assertEquals(0, game.currentScore)
fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {
  val result = question.answer(option)
  if (result) {


Open the Game class. Notice that this class knows about the score and a list of questions. When requesting to answer a question, the Game class delegates this to the Question class and increments the score if the answer was correct. Game could also be refactored to delegate the logic of incrementing the current score and highest score to a new class, Score.

class Score(highestScore: Int = 0) {
  var current = 0
    private set

  var highest = highestScore
    private set

  fun increment() {
    if (current > highest) {
      highest = current
class Game(private val questions: List<Question>,
           highest: Int = 0) {

  private val score = Score(highest)

  val currentScore: Int
    get() = score.current

  val highestScore: Int
    get() = score.highest

  private var questionIndex = -1

  fun incrementScore() {


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fun whenIncrementingScore_shouldIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val game = Game(emptyList(), 0)


    "Current score should have been 1",

fun whenIncrementingScore_aboveHighScore_shouldAlsoIncrementHighScore() {
  val game = Game(emptyList(), 0)


  Assert.assertEquals(1, game.highestScore)

fun whenIncrementingScore_belowHighScore_shouldNotIncrementHighScore() {
  val game = Game(emptyList(), 10)


  Assert.assertEquals(10, game.highestScore)
class ScoreUnitTests {

  fun whenIncrementingScore_shouldIncrementCurrentScore() {
    val score = Score()


      "Current score should have been 1",

  fun whenIncrementingScore_aboveHighScore_shouldAlsoIncrementHighScore() {
    val score = Score()


    Assert.assertEquals(1, score.highest)

  fun whenIncrementingScore_belowHighScore_shouldNotIncrementHighScore() {
    val score = Score(10)


    Assert.assertEquals(10, score.highest)
fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {
  val result = question.answer(option)
  if (result) {
fun whenAnsweringCorrectly_shouldIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val question = mock<Question>()
  val game = Game(listOf(question))

  game.answer(question, "OPTION")

  Assert.assertEquals(1, game.currentScore)

fun whenAnsweringIncorrectly_shouldNotIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val question = mock<Question>()
  val game = Game(listOf(question))

  game.answer(question, "OPTION")

  Assert.assertEquals(0, game.currentScore)
fun whenAnsweringCorrectly_shouldIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val question = mock<Question>()
  val score = mock<Score>()
  val game = Game(listOf(question), score)

  game.answer(question, "OPTION")


fun whenAnsweringIncorrectly_shouldNotIncrementCurrentScore() {
  val question = mock<Question>()
  val score = mock<Score>()
  val game = Game(listOf(question), score)

  game.answer(question, "OPTION")

  verify(score, never()).increment()

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class Game(private val questions: List<Question>,
           val score: Score = Score(0)) {
class Game(private val questions: List<Question>,
           val score: Score = Score(0)) {

  private var questionIndex = -1

  fun nextQuestion(): Question? {
    if (questionIndex + 1 < questions.size) {
      return questions[questionIndex]
    return null

  fun answer(question: Question, option: String) {
    val result = question.answer(option)
    if (result) {

Verifying in order

To save and retrieve the high score, you’ll need to add functionality to a repository. From the Project view, create a new package common ‣ repository under app ‣ src ‣ test ‣ java ‣ com ‣ raywenderlich ‣ android ‣ cocktails. Create a new file called RepositoryUnitTests.kt and add the following code:

class RepositoryUnitTests {

  fun saveScore_shouldSaveToSharedPreferences() {
    val api: CocktailsApi = mock()
    // 1
    val sharedPreferencesEditor: SharedPreferences.Editor =
    val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = mock()
    val repository = CocktailsRepositoryImpl(api,

    // 2
    val score = 100

    // 3
    inOrder(sharedPreferencesEditor) {
      // 4
      verify(sharedPreferencesEditor).putInt(any(), eq(score))
interface CocktailsRepository {
  fun saveHighScore(score: Int)
class CocktailsRepositoryImpl(
    private val api: CocktailsApi,
    private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences)
  : CocktailsRepository {

  override fun saveHighScore(score: Int) {
    // TODO
private const val HIGH_SCORE_KEY = "HIGH_SCORE_KEY"

class CocktailsRepositoryImpl(
    private val api: CocktailsApi,
    private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences)
  : CocktailsRepository {


  override fun saveHighScore(score: Int) {
    val editor = sharedPreferences.edit()
    editor.putInt(HIGH_SCORE_KEY, score)

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  fun getScore_shouldGetFromSharedPreferences() {
    val api: CocktailsApi = mock()
    val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = mock()

    val repository = CocktailsRepositoryImpl(api,


    verify(sharedPreferences).getInt(any(), any())
interface CocktailsRepository {
  fun getHighScore(): Int
class CocktailsRepositoryImpl(
    private val api: CocktailsApi,
    private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences)
  : CocktailsRepository {


  override fun getHighScore(): Int = 0
  override fun getHighScore()
    = sharedPreferences.getInt(HIGH_SCORE_KEY, 0)
class RepositoryUnitTests {
  private lateinit var repository: CocktailsRepository
  private lateinit var api: CocktailsApi
  private lateinit var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
  private lateinit var sharedPreferencesEditor: SharedPreferences.Editor

  fun setup() {
    api = mock()
    sharedPreferences = mock()
    sharedPreferencesEditor = mock()

    repository = CocktailsRepositoryImpl(api, sharedPreferences)

  fun saveScore_shouldSaveToSharedPreferences() {
    val score = 100

    inOrder(sharedPreferencesEditor) {
      verify(sharedPreferencesEditor).putInt(any(), eq(score))

  fun getScore_shouldGetFromSharedPreferences() {

    verify(sharedPreferences).getInt(any(), any())


Suppose you want to only save the high score if it is higher than the previously saved high score. To do that, you want to start by adding the following test to your RepositoryUnitTests class:

  fun saveScore_shouldNotSaveToSharedPreferencesIfLower() {
    val previouslySavedHighScore = 100
    val newHighScore = 10
    val spyRepository = spy(repository)


    verify(sharedPreferencesEditor, never())
        .putInt(any(), eq(newHighScore))
  override fun saveHighScore(score: Int) {
    val highScore = getHighScore()
    if (score > highScore) {
      val editor = sharedPreferences.edit()
      editor.putInt(HIGH_SCORE_KEY, score)
class CocktailsGameFactoryUnitTests {

  private lateinit var repository: CocktailsRepository
  private lateinit var factory: CocktailsGameFactory

  fun setup() {
    repository = mock()
    factory = CocktailsGameFactoryImpl(repository)

  fun buildGame_shouldGetCocktailsFromRepo() {


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interface CocktailsGameFactory {

  fun buildGame(callback: Callback)

  interface Callback {
    fun onSuccess(game: Game)
    fun onError()
class CocktailsGameFactoryImpl(
    private val repository: CocktailsRepository)
  : CocktailsGameFactory {

  override fun buildGame(callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback) {
    // TODO
  override fun buildGame(callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback) {
        object : RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String> {
          override fun onSuccess(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>) {
            // TODO

          override fun onError(e: String) {
            // TODO

Stubbing callbacks

Create a new test that verifies that the callback is called when the repository returns successfully with a list of cocktails in CocktailsGameFactoryUnitTests.kt:

  private val cocktails = listOf(
      Cocktail("1", "Drink1", "image1"),
      Cocktail("2", "Drink2", "image2"),
      Cocktail("3", "Drink3", "image3"),
      Cocktail("4", "Drink4", "image4")

  fun buildGame_shouldCallOnSuccess() {
    val callback = mock<CocktailsGameFactory.Callback>()



  private fun setUpRepositoryWithCocktails(
  	repository: CocktailsRepository) {
    doAnswer {
      // 1
      val callback: RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String>
        = it.getArgument(0)
  override fun buildGame(callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback) {
        object : RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String> {
          override fun onSuccess(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>) {

          override fun onError(e: String) {
            // TODO
  fun buildGame_shouldCallOnError() {
    val callback = mock<CocktailsGameFactory.Callback>()



  private fun setUpRepositoryWithError(
  	repository: CocktailsRepository) {
    doAnswer {
      val callback: RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String>
        = it.getArgument(0)
  override fun buildGame(
		callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback
	) {
        object : RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String> {
          override fun onSuccess(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>) {

          override fun onError(e: String) {

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  fun buildGame_shouldGetHighScoreFromRepo() {



  fun buildGame_shouldBuildGameWithHighScore() {
    val highScore = 100

    factory.buildGame(object : CocktailsGameFactory.Callback {
      override fun onSuccess(game: Game)
        = Assert.assertEquals(highScore, game.score.highest)

      override fun onError() =
  override fun buildGame(callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback) {
        object : RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String> {
          override fun onSuccess(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>) {
            val score = Score(repository.getHighScore())
            val game = Game(emptyList(), score)

          override fun onError(e: String) {
  fun buildGame_shouldBuildGameWithQuestions() {

    factory.buildGame(object : CocktailsGameFactory.Callback {
      override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
        cocktails.forEach {

      override fun onError() =

  private fun assertQuestion(question: Question?,
                             correctOption: String,
                             imageUrl: String?) {
    Assert.assertEquals(imageUrl, question?.imageUrl)
    Assert.assertEquals(correctOption, question?.correctOption)
class Question(val correctOption: String,
               val incorrectOption: String,
               val imageUrl: String? = null) {
override fun buildGame(callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback) {
      object : RepositoryCallback<List<Cocktail>, String> {
        override fun onSuccess(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>) {
          val questions = buildQuestions(cocktailList)
          val score = Score(repository.getHighScore())
          val game = Game(questions, score)

        override fun onError(e: String) {

private fun buildQuestions(cocktailList: List<Cocktail>)
  = { cocktail ->
      val otherCocktail
          = cocktailList.shuffled().first { it != cocktail }

Testing ViewModel and LiveData

To update the UI with questions, the score, and also to enable the user to interact with the question options, you’re going to use ViewModel and LiveData from Android Architecture Components.

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'androidx.arch.core:core-testing:2.1.0'

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class CocktailsGameViewModelUnitTests {
  val taskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
  private lateinit var repository: CocktailsRepository
  private lateinit var factory: CocktailsGameFactory
  private lateinit var viewModel: CocktailsGameViewModel
  private lateinit var game: Game
  private lateinit var loadingObserver: Observer<Boolean>
  private lateinit var errorObserver: Observer<Boolean>
  private lateinit var scoreObserver: Observer<Score>
  private lateinit var questionObserver: Observer<Question>

  fun setup() {
    // 1
    repository = mock()
    factory = mock()
    viewModel = CocktailsGameViewModel(repository, factory)

    // 2
    game = mock()

    // 3
    loadingObserver = mock()
    errorObserver = mock()
    scoreObserver = mock()
    questionObserver = mock()
class CocktailsGameViewModel(
    private val repository: CocktailsRepository,
    private val factory: CocktailsGameFactory) : ViewModel() {

  private val loadingLiveData = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
  private val errorLiveData = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
  private val questionLiveData = MutableLiveData<Question>()
  private val scoreLiveData = MutableLiveData<Score>()

  fun getLoading(): LiveData<Boolean> = loadingLiveData
  fun getError(): LiveData<Boolean> = errorLiveData
  fun getQuestion(): LiveData<Question> = questionLiveData
  fun getScore(): LiveData<Score> = scoreLiveData
  private fun setUpFactoryWithSuccessGame(game: Game) {
    doAnswer {
      val callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback =

  private fun setUpFactoryWithError() {
    doAnswer {
      val callback: CocktailsGameFactory.Callback =
  fun init_shouldBuildGame() {


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  fun initGame() {
    // TODO
  fun initGame() {
    factory.buildGame(object : CocktailsGameFactory.Callback {
      override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
        // TODO

      override fun onError() {
        // TODO
  fun init_shouldShowLoading() {


  fun init_shouldHideError() {

  fun initGame() {
    loadingLiveData.value = true
    errorLiveData.value = false

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  fun init_shouldShowError_whenFactoryReturnsError() {



  fun init_shouldHideLoading_whenFactoryReturnsError() {


  override fun onError() {
    loadingLiveData.value = false
    errorLiveData.value = true
  fun init_shouldHideError_whenFactoryReturnsSuccess() {


    verify(errorObserver, times(2)).onChanged(eq(false))

  fun init_shouldHideLoading_whenFactoryReturnsSuccess() {


  override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
    loadingLiveData.value = false
    errorLiveData.value = false
  fun init_shouldShowScore_whenFactoryReturnsSuccess() {
    val score = mock<Score>()


  override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
    loadingLiveData.value = false
    errorLiveData.value = false
    scoreLiveData.value = game.score

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  fun init_shouldShowFirstQuestion_whenFactoryReturnsSuccess() {
    val question = mock<Question>()


  override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
    loadingLiveData.value = false
    errorLiveData.value = false
    scoreLiveData.value = game.score
    questionLiveData.value = game.nextQuestion()
  fun nextQuestion_shouldShowQuestion() {
    val question1 = mock<Question>()
    val question2 = mock<Question>()


  fun nextQuestion() {
    // TODO

  fun nextQuestion() {
    game?.let {
      questionLiveData.value = it.nextQuestion()
  override fun onSuccess(game: Game) {
    loadingLiveData.value = false
    errorLiveData.value = false
    scoreLiveData.value = game.score = game
  private var game: Game? = null

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fun answerQuestion_shouldDelegateToGame_saveHighScore_showQuestionAndScore() {
  val score = mock<Score>()
  val question = mock<Question>()

  viewModel.answerQuestion(question, "VALUE")

  inOrder(game, repository, questionObserver, scoreObserver) {
    verify(game).answer(eq(question), eq("VALUE"))
  fun answerQuestion(question: Question, option: String) {
  fun answerQuestion(question: Question, option: String) {
    game?.let {
      it.answer(question, option)
      scoreLiveData.value = it.score
      questionLiveData.value = question

Mockito annotations

Instead of calling the mock() and spy() methods, you can use annotations. For example, open RepositoryUnitTests.kt and modify the class definition, variable definitions and setup functions to look like the following:

class RepositoryUnitTests {
  private lateinit var repository: CocktailsRepository
  private lateinit var api: CocktailsApi
  private lateinit var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
  private lateinit var sharedPreferencesEditor:

  fun setup() {

    repository = CocktailsRepositoryImpl(api, sharedPreferences)
Game Screen
Xido Dbfeer

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Challenge: Writing another test

  • When answering incorrectly three times, it should finish the game.
  • When answering correctly three times sequentially, it should start giving double score.

Key points

  • With JUnit you can do state verification, also called black-box testing.
  • With Mockito you can perform behavior verification or white-box testing.
  • Using a mock of a class will let you stub methods simulate a particular situation in a test. It’ll also verify if one or more methods were called on that mock.
  • Using a spy is similar to using a mock, but on real instances. You’ll be able to stub a method and verify if a method was called just like a mock, but also be able to call the real methods of the instance.
  • Remember: Red, Green, Refactor

Where to go from here?

Awesome! You’ve just learned the basics of unit testing with Mockito.

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