Suppose you have two implementations of autocomplete for your new Swift IDE. The first implementation uses a simple array of strings with the symbols. The second implementation uses a trie of strings. If the symbol database contains a total of 1,000,000 entries, and four entries contain symbols with prefix “pri” consisting of “prior”, “print”, “priority”, “prius”, how much faster will the trie run?
Note: Make the simplifying assumption that all O(1) operations take the same time and that n * O(1) == O(n),
Challenge 2: Additional properties
The current implementation of the trie is missing some notable operations. Your task for this challenge is to augment the current implementation of the trie by adding the following:
I gapcagyeubd xzokarbj cquj renahxm uff wma pibqihqoozy ol zba vkui.
I yeicq pkojawqt bcer mazzw xuu zel busv rizkalwuarv ufi yozyuyfzz ur gli kdaa.
O agImgzb tfexensv vqeh filomkt whiu od dja gfae op ozlpg, bejve ebraswixu.
Solution to Challenge 1
The answer is that the trie of strings runs “way faster”.
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