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Swift Apprentice: Fundamentals

First Edition · iOS 16 · Swift 5.7 · Xcode 14.2

Section III: Building Your Own Types

Section 3: 9 chapters
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About the Authors

Ehab Amer is an author of this book. He is a very enthusiastic Lead iOS developer with a very diverse experience, from building games to enterprise applications and POCs, especially when exploring new technologies. In his spare time, TV shows take the majority, followed by video games. When away from the screen, he goes with his friends for escape room experiences or to explore the underwater world through diving.

Alexis Gallagher is an author of this book. He’s worked in consulting, science, iOS development, startup management, and theater. Perhaps the only software engineer in San Francisco who was born there, he lives there now with his family, and works at Google on machine learning research and applications.

Matt Galloway is an author of this book. He is a software engineer with a passion for excellence. He stumbled into iOS programming when it first was a thing, and he has never looked back. When not coding, he likes to brew his own beer.

Eli Ganim is an author of this book. He is a Software Engineer who’s passionate about teaching, writing and sharing knowledge with others. He lives in Israel with his wife and kids.

About the Editors

Kirk Ericson is an editor of this book. Kirk has worked as a copy editor, reporter and columnist for three daily newspapers in the real Washington. He lives in Olympia.

Walter Tyree is a technical editor of this book. By day he runs the tiniest of technology consulting companies. He writes software and also gives talks and writes articles for others to learn how to write software. After hours, he likes to knit and bake bread, play with his dog, and dance with his wife. You can find him at his company website (

Steven Van Impe is a technical editor of this book. Steven is a computer science lecturer at the University College of Ghent, Belgium, an author at Programming with Swift: Fundamentals, and an open-source contributor to projects that support cross-platform adoption of Swift. You can contact Steven on Twitter at @pwsacademy and various Slack and Discord channels.

Ray Fix is the final pass editor of this book. During the day, Ray works on next-generation microscopes made for iPad at Discover Echo Inc. in San Diego, California. He enjoys learning new things and is excited about math, data, visualization, machine learning and computer vision. Swift is his problem-solving language of choice. Twitter: @rayfix.

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