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SwiftUI Cookbook

Live Edition · iOS 16.4 · Swift 5.8.1 · Xcode 14.3.1

Create & Customize Charts in SwiftUI With Swift Charts
Written by Team Kodeco

Visualizing sales data is crucial for any business. In this chapter, you’ll create a line chart for a fictional pet store to visualize the monthly sales of different pet categories (Dogs, Cats, Birds and Fish). You’ll use an enum and SwiftUI’s ForEach to draw the line for each pet category.

Step 1: Define the Enum and Data Source

You’ll start by defining an enum to represent the pet types and a struct to represent the monthly sales data for each pet category. Create a new Swift file called PetSales.swift and replaced its contents with the following:

enum Pet: String {
  case dog, cat, bird, fish

struct PetSales: Identifiable {
  var month: String
  var animal: Pet
  var value: Double
  var id = UUID()

Step 2: Initialize the Line Chart View

You’ll create a LineChart view to visualize this data. Inside this chart view, you’ll loop through the salesData using ForEach and plot the line for each pet sale.

Try this out by adding a new SwiftUI View in your project called LineChartView.swift and replacing its contents with the following:

import Charts

struct LineChartView: View {
  let salesData: [PetSales] = [
    .init(month: "January", animal: .dog, value: 50),
    .init(month: "January", animal: .cat, value: 30),
    .init(month: "January", animal: .bird, value: 150),
    .init(month: "January", animal: .fish, value: 80),
      .init(month: "February", animal: .dog, value: 120),
    .init(month: "February", animal: .cat, value: 23),
    .init(month: "February", animal: .bird, value: 122),
    .init(month: "February", animal: .fish, value: 94),
      .init(month: "March", animal: .dog, value: 56),
    .init(month: "March", animal: .cat, value: 27),
    .init(month: "March", animal: .bird, value: 100),
    .init(month: "March", animal: .fish, value: 99),
      .init(month: "April", animal: .dog, value: 63),
    .init(month: "April", animal: .cat, value: 23),
    .init(month: "April", animal: .bird, value: 99),
    .init(month: "April", animal: .fish, value: 92),
      .init(month: "May", animal: .dog, value: 45),
    .init(month: "May", animal: .cat, value: 45),
    .init(month: "May", animal: .bird, value: 80),
    .init(month: "May", animal: .fish, value: 94),
      .init(month: "June", animal: .dog, value: 60),
    .init(month: "June", animal: .cat, value: 22),
    .init(month: "June", animal: .bird, value: 67),
    .init(month: "June", animal: .fish, value: 100),
  var body: some View {
    Chart {
      ForEach(salesData) { salesData in
          x: .value("Month", salesData.month),
          y: .value("Sales", salesData.value)
        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Animal", salesData.animal.rawValue))

struct LineChartView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {
  • LineMark is used to plot the line for each pet category.
  • x and y properties are set based on the month and sales numbers.
  • .foregroundStyle(by:) is used to customize the line color based on the pet category.

Step 3: Use the Line Chart in the Main View

Finally, you can use LineChartView inside the main content view:

struct ContentView: View {
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Text("Pet Store Monthly Sales")

Here’s what your preview should look like:

Use Charts to make line chart in SwiftUI.
Use Charts to make line chart in SwiftUI.

You’ve successfully created a unique line chart using SwiftUI that visualizes the fictional pet store’s monthly sales. This example demonstrates the powerful capabilities of Swift and SwiftUI in representing complex data structures and making them visually understandable. Run this example in Xcode to see a colorful line chart representing the pet sales data, and feel free to experiment with other customizations or chart types!

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