Jetpack Compose

Oct 11 2022 · Kotlin 1.7.10, Android 13, Android Studio Chipmunk

Part 3: Manage State with Compose

16. Move Operations to ViewModels

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Notes: 16. Move Operations to ViewModels

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Now that you’ve added the ViewModel, it’s time to move all of the operations to it. Most of the VMs are prebuilt for you again, so you don’t have to write a lot of boilerplate code. But there’s one you’ll do for practice.

  fun addNewEntry(entry: String) {
    val data = _bookReviewDetailsState.value?.review ?: return

    val updatedReview = data.copy(
      entries = data.entries + ReadingEntry(comment = entry),
      lastUpdatedDate = Date()

  private fun updateReview(updatedReview: Review) {
    viewModelScope.launch {


  fun onDialogDismiss() {
    _deleteEntryState.value = null
    _isShowingAddEntryState.value = false

  fun removeReadingEntry(readingEntry: ReadingEntry) {
    val data = _bookReviewDetailsState.value?.review ?: return

    val updatedReview = data.copy(
      entries = data.entries - readingEntry,
      lastUpdatedDate = Date()


  fun onItemLongTapped(readingEntry: ReadingEntry) {
    _deleteEntryState.value = readingEntry

  fun onAddEntryTapped() {
    _isShowingAddEntryState.value = true
// onCreate

// FAB
onClick = { bookReviewDetailsViewModel.onAddEntryTapped() })

// Reading Entries
ReadingEntries( {
  bookReviewDetailsViewModel.onItemLongTapped(it) // long item click

onDeleteItem = 
onDismiss = { bookReviewDetailsViewModel.onDialogDismiss() }
val animationState by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.screenAnimationState.observeAsState(Initial)
val state = animateBookReviewDetails(animationState)

LaunchedEffect(Unit, block = {
fun onFirstLoad() {
  _screenAnimationState.value = Loaded
val reviewState by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.bookReviewDetailsState.observeAsState()
val bookName =
  reviewState?.book?.name ?: stringResource(id = R.string.book_review_details_title)
val bookReview by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.bookReviewDetailsState.observeAsState(

val genre by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.genreState.observeAsState(EMPTY_GENRE)
val deleteEntryState by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.deleteEntryState.observeAsState()
val isShowingAddEntry by bookReviewDetailsViewModel.isShowingAddEntryState.observeAsState(false)

val entryToDelete = deleteEntryState