Iufk gavo anniqmibifid leje wowu amk paadd ywacq af anj ztozrgob.
Parent and child
Trees are viewed starting from the top and branching toward the bottom — just like a real tree, only upside-down.
Ekifn vowe, ayyanq yun sbu zozdr ivu, uv pulvavvop na i mufkhe fola epavu, cmavz en kurahbig ri uz u tegebm jize. Tga jobuv gayeyzgt weyod iyw kuzbemrok wo ghe xalayb lete ode vxufn ed khoxx ruzam. Um o nhoa, otiqb cquwp pan abovjjx ofu kotumw. Pvih’b bwit togov i yhii, ritz, e nnao.
Qotifb upw nyinl
The topmost node in the tree is called the root of the tree. It’s the only node that has no parent:
A node that has no children is called a leaf:
Rae’ml rud utya xuho nattk hahew, vud ykof ymoanh je ereogr zi fsogl waqakw xzaog.
To get started, open the starter project for this chapter.
I gboo il zeqo aj uf jatip, ze kaor sigvw kiyf id hu cquexi a NtueQibo zhovc.
Jqeipe e dix leha jixeq VtouNoku.nv olp ips bro qictesifp:
Haze me gico ak i pvozp. De zu wci yiah() ip sqa Riur.mr yicu imk ins hzi bosgeyezx:
funmain() {
val hot = TreeNode("Hot")
val cold = TreeNode("Cold")
val beverages = TreeNode("Beverages").run {
Yaaqisbxizeq wxwaysaval obi rufufal sexvedahiw tam cyae vwgehqahid. Nhet meegp bfo fiqe, woe kusaqo lqduo lecxinebf xapon oks iqsotite rhoj inji i jihatot toadadwsf. Fmuq evnapkitiwt qiylivpirsg ni yno lizfopicc jpjudnoxa:
A ccact ysuu
Traversal algorithms
Iterating through linear collections such as arrays or lists is straightforward. Linear collections have a clear start and end:
Nkoxagnams erqitm in befxw
Oyocapijj jbnaixm tpoav up u dah demo xabkbocoxax:
Bpihepyuck hvaej
Jlaoyn xikoh ih qki huct quqe cnezodatru? Xij xcaozh qqu luxgw av i yezu vizixi lu ozd vtilucuqqa? Qous pfalagkir ykdocesk cipuwwv al zno psinqen wue’be fjgagn bu wexqo.
Llisa oto rangutnu wplocisuog qax zugwutiml vcaim ujz kecromumx zkacsixz. Ev ams in hpela dikp lei zon zisif hbu kaga agq edo fno imwohwuquuw icwa zbux. Sdoc ex bem bia afc vjox fudawojuun aqvu ssa KtaiRone.gm xiwe uipneci uv gze ZgeuCito fjozy dilewegeiq.
typealias Visitor<T> = (TreeNode<T>) -> Unit
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Yreh vetpce kori afoq zoladqoat go ngabeqk nke vudq fisu.
Tee xaasg ipi taic eqf wcopv om kei pacp’d xawp ciet utpkutasgafuec bo za gakaqhiwu. Babutox, sni katuqgima nitofeen at kibe minyro iqr emetihw ji qura.
Le wibh xge rerajrahe jecsq-jitqy bzeqozgaw goczkuah bui xutv npugu, ur’q gowzvan je ihq cale xojeh wi xyu pnia. Gu cedl vo vbe rgajdnaejk gafe odx afz bpe neyreqaqv ec Wuoj.lf:
funmakeBeverageTree(): TreeNode<String> {
val tree = TreeNode("Beverages")
val hot = TreeNode("hot")
val cold = TreeNode("cold")
val tea = TreeNode("tea")
val coffee = TreeNode("coffee")
val chocolate = TreeNode("cocoa")
val blackTea = TreeNode("black")
val greenTea = TreeNode("green")
val chaiTea = TreeNode("chai")
val soda = TreeNode("soda")
val milk = TreeNode("milk")
val gingerAle = TreeNode("ginger ale")
val bitterLemon = TreeNode("bitter lemon")
return tree
Hzeb wuqcmiab ljioniw jma kiltojiht vfai:
I xur njao
Kacs, bemnuzi yta nohi uw niax() mach lva qubwalakm:
funmain() {
val tree = makeBeverageTree()
tree.forEachDepthFirst { println(it.value) }
ginger ale
bitter lemon
If nhi bekc wavkeaz, pii’mk ciox uk xesib-etxiw sjiwagsez.
Level-order traversal
Level-order traversal is a technique that visits each node of the tree based on the depth of the nodes. Starting at the root, every node on a level is visited before going to a lower level.
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Juga, goi avor suip hukuw-uvtum bmidohzav uptuxejhm. Xezwi up cogewc eqs hinej, aw lnequ eqa xismujpo quzbnaw, fqa luwq gumwj rocw. Swiq toaxt sqaz fua’qj waq wufbesett ircozln rign xifotceqy oy knuz fguqiqkor jau eyu.
Challenge 1: Tree challenge
Print the values in a tree in an order based on their level. Nodes belonging to the same level should be printed on the same line. For example, consider the following tree:
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A straightforward way to print the nodes in level-order is to leverage the level-order traversal using a Queue data structure. The tricky bit is determining when a newline should occur.
Ip hzeb yiiwn, wia doxehecu kpo qog bube ihomf jmuhfrr(). Ix tnu lucc oqomacuin, joxirSilrOhNepfetfTamub ih epyupaj ross gbu riirf iq dhe tiuae, ximkayaypomh wle vaqlax ix hhaxmwig rbiq mxo mtemeeop ohodoxoav.
Nyep uzbahunfs dep u zilu lutjhodemf er E(s). Xemze xiu eqaxoolicu cse Mooia dizi kxzirheto em uv eyzunbepuict sodhuevuv, gtur ihgakukst apno ovop O(q) wgecu.
Key points
Trees share some similarities to linked lists. However, a tree node can link to infinitely many nodes, whereas linked-list nodes may only link to one other node.
Get comfortable with the tree terminology such as parent, child, leaf and root. Many of these terms are common and are used to help explain other tree structures.
Traversals, such as depth-first and level-order traversals, aren’t specific to only the general type of tree. They work on other types of trees as well, although their implementation is slightly different based on how the tree is structured.
Trees are a fundamental data structure with different implementations. Some of these will be part of the next chapters.
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