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iOS App Distribution & Best Practices

First Edition · iOS 14.4 · Swift 5.3 · Xcode 12.4

Section I: iOS App Distribution & Best Practices

Section 1: 17 chapters
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Section II: Appendices

Section 2: 2 chapters
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B. Appendix B: Release Page & Checklist
Written by Pietro Rea & Keegan Rush

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This appendix contains a sample release page for a fictional release of Math Ninja HD, the sample app for Chapter 8, “App Approved! (Now What?)”.

Only the last section is the “release checklist”. The first two sections include information about the release that’s often helpful to document for future reference.

Release Info

  • App Version: v.1.3
  • Date submitted for review: TBD
  • Date released to the public: TBD
  • Description (internal): This release includes bug fixes and makes the final boss of the game, Tomato-San, much harder to beat. Most importantly, we updated the corner radius for all of our buttons based on feedback from our TestFlight beta testers.

Before submission

  1. Create new app version in App Store Connect.
  2. Attach release notes from Aman (product manager).
  3. Attach new app screenshots from Wyeth (graphic designer).
  4. Set version release mode to “manual”.
  5. Double-check if we need to reset ratings with this release.
  6. Verify keywords, metadata & territories can remain the same.
  7. Submit to App Review.

Release checklist

  1. Verify all backend dependencies are in production. For this release: ninja-service, arithmetic-service and microservice-discovery-service.
  2. Verify all relevant feature flags for the back-end are toggled on.
  3. Verify all relevant feature flags for the app are toggled on.
  4. Redeem promo code for this version & perform smoke tests.
  5. Verify debug menu doesn’t show up in pre-release build.
  6. Release new version in App Store Connect.
  7. Tag release branch in git (git tag v1.3.0) and push to GitHub.
  8. Merge release branch into main branch. Push to GitHub.
  9. Create a new release in GitHub with the tag you just created.
  10. Close release in JIRA, our ticket management tool.
  11. Post in #team-turboprop and #general in Slack that we’re live.
  12. Notify Genevieve about the release (PR director).
  13. Notify TestFlight external testers about the release.
Have a technical question? Want to report a bug? You can ask questions and report bugs to the book authors in our official book forum here.
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